Monday, 16 December 2019

Text Analysis (The Beginning)

Text Analysis (The Beginning)

For our Methodology Mission, I was tasked at researching and presenting Text Analysis with Nadine and John  G. We chose this mission because it was easier to understand than the other missions and was something I took an interest in. 
We began by researching what Text Analysis really is and how it works. Text Analysis is the process of the machine understanding text and learning how to use it, and or how to use it to help us. With this knowledge, we sought to find ways in which we would use Text Analysis on our computers. 

We took one of Shaun’s suggestions and tried using Voyant which can look at any text you paste into it and pick out the most used words in that text. We chose one movie script that we did know (High School Musical) and one that we didn’t know (Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure)
 When we put those into the website, we found that the most used words, in order of most used for Highschool Musical were Troy,  Gabriella, Miss, Chad and Sharpay.
And when we used Sharpay’s Fabulous Adventure, we found that the most popular words were I'm, just, know, you're, right.

After documenting this and how the data is analysed, we move onto common platforms that use Text Analysis, such as Grammarly, Siri and Chatbots.
Grammarly as we found, uses an NLP which stands for Natural Language processor. Grammarly was taught what proper grammar was by its developers and can implement it in your sentences.
Siri runs as a search engine and can search for anything you need and even preform conversation as an A.I.
Chatbots are also a form of A.I. that learn from having conversations with their users.
This is what we learned from our research. 

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