Monday 16 December 2019

Text Analysis (The Reflection)

Text Analysis (The Reflection)

I found that the Methodology Mission was the hardest to complete as it was difficult to understand it at first from the assignment brief about Text Analysis. As I tried to research more about Text Analysis I found that every explanation of it was hard to understand and convoluted. It took me a while to find out what Text Analysis actually meant and even then the group was confused. It was only after we had had some practice with it that we actually had a grasp on what it meant. Apart from that, the project went smoothly. Everybody participated really well with each other. We found that it was easiest and more educational to work on our own separate sections of research and gather information, then present them to one another in order. Through this I learned that this way of research really works for me and I will probably be able to study best and understand my objectives like that in the future.
My team worked very well I believe, but in the future with a project that uses premiere pro, I would like to take a more creative approach to the project, as I saw a few people demonstrated a humorous tone to their project which made it more enjoyable to watch and it appeared to be more pleasant to make too.
I hope for next time that I have to use premiere pro I can understand it better and I will try to work at studying it. The Text Analysis project was the best way to introduce us to premiere pro and I feel like I will be using it heavily in the future.

Text Analysis (The Product)

Text Analysis (The Product)

When we were finished with our research we put the project findings together using Premiere Pro Adobe, which is an editing application that can be used to put footage and sound together and save it.
After we uploaded the footage we needed there to be sound as we did not want to be in the video ourselves. We went somewhere quiet to record our voices, however, there was an issue with the recording equipment and so after spending ages recording what we needed to get done, we had to re-record everything. Luckily there were a few spare rooms in the college that we used to have clear audio and pronounced vocals. When that was finished we needed to go edit the video and audio tracks to have them matching. Each of us had a part in the video and therefore it was more interesting that one of us was speaking the entire time.

We finished our project and uploaded it onto Moodle
After that, on Thursday after we went to a lecture where we viewed every Methodology project finished for the class. We had to grade our class members through a rubric made for this lecture and do out three surveys.
During this lecture, I was able to see others work processes, visual styles and editing skills. I found the experience to be quite helpful as I could see where my ability landing me with others. The lecture gave me a chance to see that I was lacking in some areas and was strong in others, which made me more motivated to study how to be better at the aspects I lacked.

Text Analysis (The Beginning)

Text Analysis (The Beginning)

For our Methodology Mission, I was tasked at researching and presenting Text Analysis with Nadine and John  G. We chose this mission because it was easier to understand than the other missions and was something I took an interest in. 
We began by researching what Text Analysis really is and how it works. Text Analysis is the process of the machine understanding text and learning how to use it, and or how to use it to help us. With this knowledge, we sought to find ways in which we would use Text Analysis on our computers. 

We took one of Shaun’s suggestions and tried using Voyant which can look at any text you paste into it and pick out the most used words in that text. We chose one movie script that we did know (High School Musical) and one that we didn’t know (Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure)
 When we put those into the website, we found that the most used words, in order of most used for Highschool Musical were Troy,  Gabriella, Miss, Chad and Sharpay.
And when we used Sharpay’s Fabulous Adventure, we found that the most popular words were I'm, just, know, you're, right.

After documenting this and how the data is analysed, we move onto common platforms that use Text Analysis, such as Grammarly, Siri and Chatbots.
Grammarly as we found, uses an NLP which stands for Natural Language processor. Grammarly was taught what proper grammar was by its developers and can implement it in your sentences.
Siri runs as a search engine and can search for anything you need and even preform conversation as an A.I.
Chatbots are also a form of A.I. that learn from having conversations with their users.
This is what we learned from our research.