Tuesday 24 September 2019

An Introduction to yours truly, moi.

Good morning, good evening and good afternoon to you all.πŸ’–πŸ‘ΌπŸ’–

It's a pleasure to meet you all, my name is Enoh. I am as of this post 18 years old. I'm a Taurus if anybody wants to do my horoscope, there you go. My favourite colour is pink.
 I enjoy many types of music such as Jazz, Blues and Funk. My favourite songs of all time are "Killer Queen" by Queen and "My name is Prince" by Prince…Though the music video is very sketchy for "My name is Prince", but here you go anyways {https://youtu.be/w0g9Qkrc8nE} (Just so you know Prince has his own special little boudoir in my heart). 

I hope to achieve a better understanding of my strengths and abilities during my time in this module, and hopefully I can become capable of working more efficiently in my course for the future.
I have many aspirations for the future on that note, such as being a photographer for companies in fashion or journalism or owning a Volkswagen Type 2, Transporter called "The lil Beach". 

I like to read classic literature such as "Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde" by R.L. Stevenson and "The Picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde. More so than reading books and novels I prefer magazines. My favourites include "Red" and "Cosmopolitan" It's mainly for the fashion articles, and partly for the free samples or products that are in most issues. I play the guitar but poorly so don't hold me to that statement. There are a few TED talks that I have listened to such as this one: {https://youtu.be/xYemnKEKx0c} I love this one, very cool.

My favourite foods include Caesar salad in sandwich and salad form, and most kinds of curry. My least favourite food is Burgers, for some odd reason. I just don't like them.
Dessert wise, I love macaroons with coffee. 

My favourite animal is the cat. Purely because they are so cute, and I myself have a few.